Need help with an appliance in Pitt County and surrounding areas?
You have arrived at the right place!
Reach out to our team below and we'll be happy to help!

About Your Appointment


  • After your appliance has been diagnosed, we will give you a guaranteed flat rate quote to repair it. If you choose to fix it, that’s all you pay. We use a national job rate guide to price repairs. 
  • The job rate is calculated based on service call, labor, parts, and taxes.
  • If you decide not to repair it, you will only owe our service call and diagnosis fee, which is $109 on most appliances in most areas. If your service call is different, you will be notified when scheduling.
  • This includes the trip to the home and a complete diagnosis of your unit regardless of time.
  • $45 discount on additional appliances in the same home. (Repair or diagnosis.) Please let us know when you schedule if you have other appliances that need to be serviced.


Customer satisfaction is our top concern. We stand by our work and to prove it we offer the following warranty on our services:

30 days on Service Call and Diagnostic Fee
1 year warranty on Labor and Parts installed if needed

Warranty applies only when you have paid us directly for a particular repair. Otherwise, your warranty is only the duration of the warranty you have with the manufacturer and/or extended warranty company. Our warranty does not cover food loss or loss of use. Single family home use only. Your product must be installed as per manufacturer guidelines and properly maintained to be eligible for our warranty.